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Sunday 7 October 2012

Jessica Johnson Tea Room @ Bandar Sri Damansara

Today I was just looking up Google to search for some eateries in Bandar Sri Damansara, which isn't too far for me and that is when I came across this place called Jessica Johnson Tea Room. Somehow this was the only place that was highlighted across my entire search and most of those blogs were from at least  two years ago. I was not too sure if this place still existed and therefore decided to call the number listed and was still open. Having got the address confirmed, drove in for lunch.

Jessica Johnson Tea Room...just beside the Post Office
The outlet is located just beside the Post Office in Bandar Sri Damansara. Not too difficult to find though. It is a family owned restaurant and pretty much, you would find the father and daughter manning the restaurant. The father was a designer by profession but cooking had always been his passion. He is a very talkative man and loves to share his experiences with customers. 

Very English like setting
From my observation, they have their very own set of customers who come by quite often. The feel that I get here is that they do not intent on growing the business but prefer keeping it the way it is...simple and local. The owner has a personal touch with all his customers and by the end of my lunch, I had felt the same too, which is good.

Nice settings
This restaurant, though it speaks of being a tea room and has the similar setting, serves more of Nyonya food. The exception being the cakes and pastries. The menu is also unique that it is hand written with marker pen and initially I had some problem reading it as it was not easily legible. 

Deco inside
They mostly come in set meals which consist of a Rice dish, main entrée, coffee / tea and a piece of cake. All this for between RM 15.90 - RM 18.90 depending on the dish. Of course, you could also request for an additional dish without the set and I feel the price is decent, not too expensive but once again, would have to wait to taste it before saying anything further.

This teak table is for sale...RM 16,000
 Now as you can see the restaurant has loads of furnitures and flower arrangements and these are for sale too. The front area of the restaurant has also been separated as it caters for another business that is owned by the same owners. I believe it is an insurance agency where they also handle road tax and other arrangements.

My White Coffee...lightly sweetened
The food here takes some time to arrive as everything is made to order and they believe in serving the food hot. This is good definitely but sometimes, can take a little longer especially when there are around 2 to 3 tables waiting fore their orders. It was the same today and the owner came and informed me that it may take a while. I'm okay with that as I am free the whole day. 

Waiting for our food to arrive
One thing that I like about this place is that they do not include any artificial coloring into the food and MSG is out. Even the cakes are low sugar. My coffee was good too, low sugar and just the right taste. The way I love it.

Yellow Rice with Timun Acar
The first dish to arrive was the rice. One thing that deserves mention here is that the Timun Acar was simply superb.

Balinese Rendang Chicken
This dish was fantastic. A quarter chicken cooked in Balinese Red Curry, Rendang Style. The meat was tender and infused with the right spices. Great dish!

Thai Style Chicken
This was another good dish. Done pretty well, but on a personal note, I preferred the earlier dish over this. 

Quarter Roasted Chicken
The roasted chicken was good. The meat was tender and juicy.

All Set to attack the dishes
The food is surely good here. I enjoyed all the dishes that we ordered and would surely come back here again soon. With lunch done, I am now eagerly waiting for my piece of cake to try the bakery stuffs.

A Slice of Banana Cake
The desert finally arrived. It was a slice of Banana cake. Well, no exaggeration, the cake was very good. I could taste real bananas in the cake and it was lightly sweetened. Good effort keeping diabetics in mind.

Muffins & Scones for sale
More cakes for sale
 As you can see from the above photos, they have a great variety of cakes, muffins and scones for sale and are baked fresh daily.

More items available for breakfast
More food items
Well, the timings of this restaurant are a little odd though. As mentioned earlier, they are just catering for the usual locals. That being said, they are open from Mondays to Saturdays catering for breakfast to tea only and it is close at 5.30 pm. Sundays is an off day. So if you do not live in this area, the only way you would be able to hit this restaurant is to head here on a Saturday for lunch. 

Contact Details
Contact Details
On the whole, its a great place to dine. Good affordable Nyonya food!

Address: Jessica Johnson Tea Room,
No. 16G, Jalan Cempaka SD 12-2,
Bandar Sri Damansara,
52200 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03 - 6275 6755

Opening Hours: Monday - Saturday: 0830 - 1730

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