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Tuesday 30 April 2013

Farm House Kitchen...Taste Of Sarawak @ Damansara Perdana, Petaling Jaya

Located in Bandar Damansara Perdana is this restaurant called Farm House Kitchen which sells authentic Sarawakian dishes. Having passed this restaurant a number of times in the past, I had never attempted to visit them before until tonight.

Restaurant Farm House Kitchen in Bandar Damansara Perdana
They are located along Jalan PJU 8/5G, right opposite the entrance to The Place. I believe that there is a hotel too along this same row of shops. Parking can be difficult here both day and night so please come prepared to go in circles in search of a parking bay. 

Interior of the restaurant

Write Ups by TV8 Malaysia

Write Up by Nanyang Siang Pau

Interior of the restaurant
Interior of the restaurant
The restaurant is very brightly lit up and is extremely clean. When we walked in, I was surprised to find that this restaurant had already been showcased by both TV8 and Nanyang Siang Pau. That being said, the food must surely be good here. Nevertheless, I could not find any endorsement by the Jalan Jalan Cari Makan Team. They must have somehow missed this place. The staffs are all Sarawakians, even the cooks. The cooking area is just separated by a glass panel and one is able to see through to all the activity happening there. 

The Menu

The Menu

The Menu
As we took our seats, we were promptly attended to by the waitress. She handed us the menu and waited for the orders. The menu itself was simple, just a double sided laminated card which sums up all their dishes and drinks offered. The menu is predominantly Sarawakian dishes and a few Malaysian dishes. Even those Malaysian dishes are customised to Sarawakian taste buds with a slightly altered preparation. This was told to me by the waitress.

Sarawakian Coffee with Milk @ RM 2.20
I ordered the above Sarawakian Coffee and Angie just got herself a glass of water. The coffee was pretty nice, definitely much different to the Hainanese Coffee, slightly salty and rich with margarine taste. On the whole, a pretty unique taste. I would rate this coffee at 8.8/10 .

Sarawak Laksa @ RM 6.80

The accompanying Chili Paste
The Sarawak Laksa served here was nice and I liked it very much. The gravy was thick and you can choose the preferred noodle type. It was slightly salty, not spicy but delicious the way it was. There was no need to use the Chili Paste given as I enjoyed this dish even without it. I would rate this at 8.5/10 . 

Sarawak Curry Noodle @ RM 6.80

The Accompanying Chili Paste
The Curry Noodles however was a little too salty. Everything else was fine but this overload of salt truly killed the taste. I would only rate this at 4/10 . I wonder as to why there is an additional pinch of salt in all the dishes. Is it common in Sarawak? Something that I should learn more about.

Vegetable With Oyster Sauce @ RM 3.50
This dish was again another well prepared dish. Again, just like the previous dishes, this dish too had an overdose of salt but it was still bearable and tasted decent. At RM 3.50, I think it is quite cheap. I would rate this dish at 7/10 .

The total bill for the meal came to RM 19.80 which is cheap for two including drinks. There were no Service Charges or Service Taxes included. I find this place to be nice, clean and serving decent food at pretty cheap prices. This is definitely a recommended place for those who love Sarawakian dishes.

Address: No. 30-1, Jalan PJU 8/5G, Damansara Perdana,
                47820 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.

Opening Hours: 0700 - 2100 Daily


  1. Hi Venoth, I had lunch here today - the Sarawak Laksa. Quite nice and a pleasant change in taste to the laksas I'm used to. Also had the sayur manis with egg... yum. I have eaten here once before and noted the slightly salty taste then, and today a particular tingle on the tongue too. Do you think they use MSG? I came home and fell asleep - my usual reaction to MSG.

    1. Hi Mr. Guiness, good that you enjoyed the Sarawak Laksa too. Indeed, it is different to the ones commonly found here. Guess were on the same page on the slightly salty taste and I am really curious if that is common in Sarawak. Need to make a trip there to discover the answer he he....I think so too on the MSG and I suspect that that could be the culprit for the over salty taste in the dishes.

  2. Hi Mr Guinness and Venoth Nathan.

    I am a Sarawakian and I love Sarawak Laksa. I go here and there to taste and compare Sarawak laksa with the one back at home. I have yet to try this place. However, the tingling MSG taste is not common, Perhaps this place had added a little too much. Anyways, i will be going to this place soon so I shall get back commenting here on whether the taste is close to home, and if I too, experience the MSG attack. LOL. Thanks for this wonderful review! I appreciate it that West malaysians are interested to taste of the East Malaysia cuisine just like how love the food in West Malaysia.

    1. Hi there.....thank you so much for dropping by and sharing your thoughts. It's good to know other fellow food lovers out there and to share comments and other places where we could try good food. Do check out the place and provide your thoughts. Look forward to hearing from you....Cheers!

  3. Hi Venous

    They're don't open at 7am it seems, maybe because of the school holiday, I don't know. I wa hoping they'd be open early just like in Sarawak or more so in Kuching, but no. There's an outlet called I Prefer Original at Onecity Mall USJ that serves pretty decent laksa that was just recently opened for about two weeks.

    1. Hi there, thanks for the feedback. Shall definitely try out the place that you suggested soon. Thanks again :)

  4. Is this halal restaurant?

    1. I was informed by the staff, who were all Muslims that the place is Halal. It is good that you check again with them before consuming.

  5. Gonna have dinner here tonight. Thanks for posting this article Venoth. Pretty much all the information i needed. keep doing what you do :D

    1. Thank you for the kind words of encouragement! Hope you had a good dinner :)

  6. Does the restaurant closed? I went there several time during lunch time last week, unfortunately the restaurant was closed.. their 3 layered tea is super nice :D

    1. Hi there,
      I am not too sure please as it has been sometime that I visited Damansara Perdana. If they are consecutively closed than there is a high chance that either they are doing renovations or perhaps moved elsewhere. But this I would need to validate. Just a hunch though.

  7. Yes. They have closed down. The rent has probably gone up and with GST has made this business hard to run.

    1. Owh....that's really sad to hear. Sad indeed as the food was quite good there. Need to find another place to get my Kolo Mee fix. Thank you for the update though.

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