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Friday 7 June 2013

Pecel Lele Lela @ Palembang, Indonesia

This is about a chain of restaurants called Pecel Lele Lela that is famous in Indonesia and of late I have seen quite a number of branches in Kuala Lumpur too. In Indonesia, they are specifically found on the islands of Jawa, Sumatra and Bali. They specialise in a Cat Fish dish that is deep fried with their special sauces. As this is our last night in Palembang for this trip, we decided to give this place a try tonight.

Pecel Lele Lela in Palembang

Their 63rd Branch in Indonesia
This restaurant has a very interesting concept. Whenever a new customer walks in, all their waiters in unison would wish them Good Evening and welcome like a classroom and when a customer leaves, again in unison, they wish them thank you and this is done seamlessly even when they are attending to other chores and customers. Initially as we walked in, it felt a little embarrassed when they did this but then we got used to it. Another point to note is that these guys also do home delivery to neighboring areas for a minimal order size. As this is our first time here, I did not want to take charge of the ordering and let my friend do the ordering for us. 

Deep Fried Catfish
This is their signature dish here and it is the deep fried Cat Fish. I must say that it looks rather simple but taste wise, it was very nice. The fish was very crispy and this comes with a very spicy dip sauce. Your could just eat it without the dip sauce and it tasted lovely. I would rate this dish at 9/10 . A must try dish here.

BBQ Chicken Thigh
Another interesting dish. It is Chicken Thigh that is marinated in sweet BBQ sauce and then is grilled. This again is served with the Chili Paste. I am not sure how they do the grilling but it was very nice and even the bones were soft and juicy. I would rate this dish at 8.5/10 .

Black Pepper Fish Fillet
This dish was just average. It was deep fried Cat Fish fillets and then topped with Black Pepper Sauce. Not a very great dish when compared to the others that we had tried. I would only rate this at 5/10. Even though they were fish fillets, they had bones in them and one would need to be cautious while eating.

Spinach with Tauchu
This dish was very good. In fact we had three plates of this. The Spinach was cooked with Tauchu paste an it was heavenly. It was well spiced with a slightly salty taste and I personally found this dish to be very good. I would rate this dish at 10/10 .

My Friend Serving The Rice
It is interesting to observe here that the rice was served in a single plate and we would have to apportion it accordingly to the others.

Us Having Dinner
Overall it was a simple yet nice dinner. The total bill for the meal came about USD 5. This meal was definitely a great opener to this restaurant and we liked it. It is convenient for us here in Kuala Lumpur that we have a number of outlets available but I am not sure if the taste is the same or if it has been modified to the Malaysian taste buds. And I am also sure that it would cost us much more to have this in Kuala Lumpur. If you are in Indonesia, I would recommend you to try this restaurant. 

Address: No. 1335 A-B, Jl. R Sukamto, Palembang, Sumatra, Indonesia.

Telephone: +62 711 70 6666 3

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