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Monday 10 March 2014

Hou Mei Restaurant @ Genting Highlands, Pahang

Hou Mei Restaurant is a newly opened Halal Chinese Restaurant that is located on the First Floor (Level 1) of Resort Hotel, Genting Highlands. This restaurant shares it's floor space with another seafood restaurant called Resort Seafood Restaurant which again is a Halal restaurant. 

The Signs At The Entrance

Entrance to the Restaurant

Entrance to the Restaurant

Chefs Preparing The Food

The Resort Seafood Restaurant Side

Huge Seating Space
This restaurant is built to cater for a large crowd and they must have at least 50 people waiting tables and at least 15 different chef's, each handling a different food station. Despite the huge crowd during dinner hours, the waiters seem extremely efficient and are very quick to attend to customers. Most of the chef's are Malay's while most if not all the waiters are Filipino's. 

The Menu

The Menu

The Menu

The Menu

The Menu

The Menu

Drinks Menu

Drinks Menu

Drinks Menu

Drinks Menu
They have a good variety of dishes here and most of the dishes are Chinese dishes with one or two Japanese and Taiwanese dishes. Priced reasonably, I think this is the place where you could get the cheapest food in Genting Highlands. Ordering was fairly easy and within minutes it was done.

The Cutlery


Waiting for our Dinner to Arrive
Since we were with some friends, we were chatting all the way and it did not take them that long before the dishes started arriving. I think the wait time was just around 15 minutes and thats fairly brief considering the number of people dining at this restaurant at that time. 

Chinese Tea @ RM 3.00

Coca Cola @ RM 8.00 per can
We had two glasses of Chinese Tea which was priced at RM 3.00 per glass and RM 8.00 for a can of Coke. The Chinese was just basic tea and it was okay. 

Ipoh Hor Fun Soup @ RM 18.00

Ipoh Hor Fun Soup @ RM 18.00
Their Ipoh Hor Fun Soup came in an extremely huge bowl and had loads of quality ingredients. There were also four huge prawns in the soup. Still, the soup itself tasted very flat and tasteless. I had to add loads of soy sauce and pepper to add taste to the soup. If only they improve on the soup, then this would have been a very good dish. Due to the flat tasting soup, I would only rate this dish at 5.5/10 .

Claypot Chicken Rice with Salted Fish @ RM 20.00

Claypot Chicken Rice with Salted Fish @ RM 20.00

All Stirred Up
This is supposed to be the Claypot Chicken Rice but it came in a modern bowl. Well that is fine. Taste wise, it was good. You must ensure that you stir the ingredients well as most of the sauce and flavouring is there at the base. It had a good portion of chicken and salted fish and also some steamed vegetables. Definitely a satisfying dish and I would rate this at 8.7/10 .

Claypot Minced Chicken Porridge with Century Eggs @ RM 18.00

Claypot Minced Chicken Porridge with Century Eggs @ RM 18.00
This dish was simply fantastic. The portions were huge and the flavours were absolutely delicious. Minced Chicken and Century Eggs were provided without a stint. It did not seem like we were having this at a restaurant, more like those prepared in those old fashion shops that have been running for decades. Definitely fantastic stuff. I would rate this at 9.8/10 .

Us Having Our Dinner

Us Having Our Dinner
In summary, this place does serve some very good dishes and at reasonable prices. The portions too were huge and the service speedy. Definitely a place that I would visit again.

Address: Level 1, Resort Hotel, Genting Highlands, Pahang, Malaysia.

Opening Hours: 1200 - 2200 Daily


  1. The porridge looks Delish!!

    LOL on the supposed 'claypot' rice dish...

    1. That's true. The porridge was a winner and thanks for reading....
