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Monday 16 February 2015

Restoran Masha @ Tanjung Malim, Perak

Restoran Masha is another Indian Muslim restaurant that is located in Taman Universiti, Tanjung Malim. I have been visiting all the Indian Muslim restaurants in town over the past two weeks in my quest to find the best Mee Goreng in town and as such, here I am today visiting another such establishment. 

Restoran Masha in Taman Universiti

Restoran Masha in Taman Universiti

Interior Of The Restaurant

Interior Of The Restaurant

Interior Of The Restaurant
This restaurant has been around for a number of years now but when I compare this to the other Indian Muslim restaurants in town, this place has never been as crowded as the others. I wonder how they have been surviving through the years and I believe that it has been solely contributed by the locality which is in close proximity to the university. Even tonight, there weren't many customers and most of them were just having a tea and watching TV or chatting with friends. I even peeked at their curries and they looked quite lame and unappealing.  Well, did I make a mistake by coming here? The only way to know would be when I taste their food. Since I have already set foot here, I decided to just go on to experience whatever that was in store for me here, after all, I am here to taste. One would never know without experiencing it first hand. 

Teh Tarik @ RM 1.20
They had limited number of staffs and I believe that this was sufficient for the crowd that seemed to be present here. Somehow, even with the small number of customers, all the staffs apparently seemed to be busy doing something, what it was only God would know. Anyway, they were seen walking up and down the restaurant and it took them close to 10 minutes before one of them attended to me. I then ordered a Mee Goreng and a glass of Teh Tarik. Luckily, food was quick to be served. Their Teh Tarik was priced at RM 1.20 per glass which is the norms around town. Their Teh Tarik was horrible! Seriously horrible! There was absolutely no taste of tea and it was flat tasting. I would say that it was a Tea coloured water. Pretty much that was what it was. Absolutely horrible stuff and I would rate it at 1/10 . Definitely won't recommend this to even my enemy.

Mee Goreng @ RM 3.50

Mee Goreng @ RM 3.50
Now, time to taste their Mee Goreng. Despite squeezing the lime into the dish, their Mee Goreng was tasteless. It was overly greasy, tasteless and with a layer of oil to be found at the base of the dish. I only had a few mouthfuls and decided to call it quits. I could not take the torment any further. It was a terrible plate of Mee Goreng, but it was not the worst in town. That would be the only consoling factor. This, by far is the second worst Mee Goreng in town which I have tried till date. As for me, I would rate this at 3/10 .

On the whole, it was a terrible dining experience that I had here. The food was terrible and the service was nothing great too. I hope that in the months to come, they do improve their services or in the long run, they would definitely loose out.

Address: No. 7, Jalan U1, Taman Universiti, 35900 Tanjung Malim, Perak, Malaysia.

Opening Hours: 0715 - 2200 Daily

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