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Thursday 19 March 2015

Ng San Coffee @ Rawang, Selangor

In the past few months, I have been posting numerous entries from the little town of Rawang. Some of those eateries may have been known to you already and some not. This blog entry is about a place that not many know exists in Rawang, except the old timers. It is about a coffee shop called Ng San Coffee which is located along Jalan Welman, Rawang. This shop has been around ever since the time that Rawang town proper had been around and that's like some 70 years back. This place does not sell any particular type of food or dishes like other common restaurants, they only sell three particular items. And they are the Hainanese Coffee, Steamed 'Panggali' Bread with Butter & Kaya and finally their Half Boiled Eggs. To go back further, their main business is their coffee factory which is located somewhere between Serendah /  Rawang border and this outlet is predominantly to cater for the locals who love their coffee and bread. The opening hours are limited too. They strictly operate from 7.30 am till 12 noon. Having heard of this place, I ensured that I would arrive in Rawang early to just get to try their coffee and bread. 

Ng San Coffee located along Jalan Welman

A Simple Shop

Old Fashioned Furniture and Fittings
I arrived here around 10 in the morning and there were a handful of customers. Quite a number of them were doing take away's but just a handful that were dining here. It is a no frills restaurant, very much like the setting from the 50's and I am sure that the furniture and fittings date back to then. Two brothers man the restaurant and they very much run the entire show. It was a very friendly like atmosphere. You see people coming and walking in directly to their kitchen. Some even sitting there and having their bread and coffee while chatting with the owners. Since I am new here, I decided to go by the books and just sat outside at the dining area. Then one of the brother's, an elderly gentleman came up to me and asked for my orders. With that, he disappeared into the kitchen to get on with his work. Although they were cut and dry, the reception was warm indeed. 

Bread Cabinet

The Gentleman Busy At The Kitchen
Having taken my orders, he then went over to an old fashioned bread cabinet. cut some bread and then walked into the kitchen and got busy. The only other time that he came out was to get some butter from the fridge. It was just a matter of minutes before my drink arrived. 

Fresh Ground Coffee @ RM 1.30

Fresh Ground Coffee @ RM 1.30
The coffee arrived in a custom made cup and saucer with their company information printed on both the utensils. Even the phone number dated back to the old format which was perhaps used in the 80's. This was priced at RM 1.30 per cup and that's a very reasonable price to charge for a premium item like this. Yes, I would definitely consider this a premium beverage as it is rare to find such great coffee these days. The coffee tasted so good. Everything was mixed to perfection. The sweetness wasn't too much and it complimented the bitterness of the coffee. Perfect...just perfect! A drink to sip and savour. This is what one calls bliss in a cup. The coffee itself was worth the long travel that I had to perform this morning. I would rate this at 9.8/10 . An excellent cup of Hainanese Coffee!

Steamed Bread with Butter & Kaya @ RM 1.20 per set

Steamed Bread with Butter & Kaya @ RM 1.20 per set
Oh, this is another story to tell. The bread itself was as soft as cotton and having steamed it, it was divine. The mixture of 'real' salted butter along with the homemade Kaya was simply out of this world. If felt like a boon from God to have tasted such great bread. One that will get you asking for more. I would rate this at 9.8/10 .

These two dishes itself made my day. If only I was living in Rawang, this would be a great way to kick start my day. I would definitely be a regular here. Two simple items which tasted absolutely different from the rest. A must try if you are passing this way. Do not miss giving the place a try as it is easy to locate this coffee shop. Signage may be poor but it is located directly opposite Raaji Silks & Fashion Jewellery. The latter has a very huge and obvious signage, one that you would not miss even if you happen to be speeding through. 

Address: No. 3, Jalan Welman, 48000 Rawang, Selangor, Malaysia.

Opening Hours: 0730 - 1200 Daily

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