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Monday 4 May 2015

Restoran Wangsar Seafood @ Tanjung Malim, Perak

It's a Public Holiday and since my brother was in town, we decided to head out for dinner. This was a rather late dinner that we had, it was almost 10.30 pm when we arrived at this restaurant and that's after our fishing trip. I have never visited this restaurant before but since we were passing this way heading back home, we decided to have our dinner here instead. This restaurant is not a new restaurant, it has been around for many years now and is located in Taman Intan Setia.

Restoran Wangsar Seafood at Taman Intan Setia

Outdoor Seating

Table Goes All The Way Till The Tire Shop
It was a cold evening after the heavy rain and as the weather was just perfect, we opted to sit outdoors. Despite the hour, the place was crowded. Not many outdoor tables were occupied but the indoors was full house. It's sad that I forgot to take more pictures of their indoors as the restaurant did have some beautiful decorations. Once we took our seats, a gentleman whom I believe is the owner of the restaurant attended to us. Very weird it felt but there was not a single moment that any one of their staffs smiled at any one of the customers. Initially I felt that it was perhaps just us but further observation revealed that it was towards everyone there. I just wonder if it is so difficult to smile these days, after all we are paying customers. That aside, they did not have a menu card and so ordering was done verbally. We did not order anything out of the ordinary and so it was just fine. Once the ordering was done, the man just disappeared again without even saying a single word. Seriously, that's very bad customer service and perhaps slightly rude.  

Teh O Ice

Sirap Bandung
It took them approximately 15 minutes to send the drinks over and no one was apologetic over the delay. The Teh O Ice was nice, not too many ice cubes and it was fixed with just the right level of sweetness. I would rate this at 8/10 . Their Sirap Bandung however was very good. I think they must have added a little Soda to give it the zing factor. This, I would rate at 9.5/10 . Since there was no menu card, I am not able to mention the item prices but would mention the total bill at the end of this entry. 

White Rice
The portion of the White Rice was good but just look at the colour of the plate. It's probably as old as this establishment. High time that they get some new cutlery. This is something that I did not like.

Telur Dadar

Telur Dadar
The dishes started arriving after approximately 25 minutes from the time of order. This one is called Telur Dadar and is very much eggs fried with onions. The preparation was good but it was overly greasy. That's a major setback, otherwise it tasted good. Well, frying eggs is perhaps the simplest dish that anyone would be able to cook and how wrong can they go with this. This I shall rate at 6/10. If only it was not greasy, then I would have rated it higher. 

Kailan Ikan Masin

Kailan Ikan Masin
Another one of my favourite dishes at these Tomyam restaurants. The preparation here was quite mediocre. A little overdone and it lacked salted fish. As such, I would only rate this at 6.5/10 .

Ayam Masak Halia

Ayam Masak Halia
This was a flop dish. It was supposed to be chicken cooked with ginger but the dish turned out to be literally tasteless. Bland and bad it was and I would rate this at 4/10 only. Not recommended!

Sotong Masak Kunyit

Sotong Masak Kunyit
Another failed dish! Once again, it was a tasteless dish. There were absolutely no flavours that came out of the preparation and the only available taste came from the vegetables, and that too their very original 'uncooked' taste. The number of cuttlefish pieces too were quite scanty. I would rate this at 2/10 only. A terrible dish it was.

Tomyam Ayam

Tomyam Ayam
Sigh! This is perhaps the worst Tomyam Soup that I have tasted in Tanjung Malim. Absolutely diluted stuff. Seriously, I could cook a better soup than this. One that we both hated and forced ourselves to finish at least half of it. I would only rate this at 1/10. A true culinary disaster! 

Once we were done, we called the guy and asked for some serviettes and it took him like forever to get those. At one point in time, I got so annoyed that I felt that I'd just go back home and wash my hands. Very annoying attitude but he was there in an instant when it was time to collect the money. Our total bill came to RM 30.00 and that's thirty bucks that went down the drain on horrible food. No, I am not coming back here and would definitely not recommend this place even to my enemy.

Address: No. 67, Jalan Intan Setia 1, Taman Intan Setia,
                35900 Tanjung Malim, Perak, Malaysia.

Opening Hours: 1700 - 0230 Daily

1 comment:

  1. Wow 2015..along time ago. How are you now, sir. Sorry my English is not very good. I will write in Bahasa. Hai Mr. Venoth. Panggil saya Kak Ha. Mr. Venoth suka masakan Tom Yam ye. Ada 2 restoran yang boleh saya cadangkan di Tg. Malim ini iaitu Restoran Maju Tak di No 12, Jalan Bernam 1, Taman Bernam, Tg. Malim dan Restoran Sinaran Tom Yam Tg. Malim (maaf tidak tahu alamat). Ada lagi sebenarnya. Saya pun tidak cuba semua. Tapi yang 2 ni best jugak la. Boleh cuba.
