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Monday, 4 March 2013

Rumah Bu & Cafe Trienggadeng @ Banda Aceh, Indonesia

This was indeed a surprise trip that came about out of nowhere. Never did I think that I would visit Banda Aceh again. Once the trip was confirmed, I immediately contacted my friend in Banda Aceh to assist me with the accommodation and logistics. As always, I dragged my father along with my travels. Being a tour operator, he did it all in a breeze. This is a brief entry on one of the places that we stopped for a quick and excellent lunch. This restaurant is a pretty huge one and is located right in the middle of the Banda Aceh city.

A lovely restaurant in Banda Aceh
It seems that this place is quite famous with both the locals and foreigners. Once I was inside, I was surprised to see a number of westerners in this humble restaurant. The restaurant has multiple dining rooms which are open air and one air conditioned room. We settled for the air conditioned room but they have a premium on the food for dining at this room. Being in Indonesia, with the exchange rate, everything is pretty cheap for us Malaysians.

Once you are seated at the table, they come bringing a huge number of dishes and serve them like the Padang style but all the dishes here are cooked to Acehnese style of cooking which is typically quite similar to the Indian style of cooking.

A splurge of dishes to choose from

Don't know where to start
The dishes were really great and the food was excellent here. I am not able to write individual commentaries as time is a little short. However, I would rate the food here at 9/10 and the price was really cheap. The total cost of meal for three here today was an equivalent of RM 10.00 .

This is a restaurant that I would strongly recommend!!!

Address:  Jalan G.K. Daud Beuleueh, 
                 No. 30 Kuta Alam, Banda Aceh, Indonesia.

Opening Hours: 1030 - 2200

Telephone: 00852 9609 6555

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