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Monday, 13 October 2014

Adyar Anada Bhavan Sweets & Snacks @ Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Having not being satisfied with the meal in Thiruporur, we informed the driver to stop at a good place in Chennai City for supper and he brought us to this place called Adyar Ananda Bhavan Sweets & Snacks. Do note that this too is a Vegetarian restaurant.

Adyar Ananda Bhavan in Chennai

Adyar Ananda Bhavan in Chennai
This place was buzzing with customers and it is them that I knew that this is one of the most famous places in Chennai for a good meal and sweets. I wonder why he did not bring us here in the first place, after all it was just one hour from the earlier location. We had to give our names and wait in line for a table to be ready and in 20 minutes, a table was allocated for us.

The Restaurant

Waiting For Our Meals

The moment we took our seats, the waiter attended to us and ordering was a breeze. It was so great to see the professionalism of these waiters here at this restaurant. Everything was just so organised.

Rava Kesari
My brother and I ordered the above Rava Kesari and sincerely, it was the best that I have eaten in my entire life. Filled with ghee, it was so delicious. After eating this, we ordered another one each making it four in a single seating. I would rate this Rava Kesari at 10/10 .

Mango Milk Shake
My brother ordered the above Mango Milk Shake. I did try a sip and it was heavenly. We both stared at one another when we each first took a sip of this drink. Absolutely delicious. I would once again rate this at 10/10 .

Indian Filter Coffee
This Filter Coffee was again very good, in fact it was better than the one we had this afternoon for lunch. I would rate this at 9.7/10 .

My Dad Having His Vadai Set
The Vadai here too was extremely good. It was super soft and simply delicious. Somehow, the Vadai made in India is just way better than any Vadai one may have tasted here in Malaysia. I would rate this Vadai at 9.7/10 .

If you happen to be in Chennai, then this is a must try restaurant. Everything that was tried was delicious and it was a new benchmark. The total price of our supper tonight was INR 500 which was truly worth every dime spent.


  1. one of the best south indian mostly Tamil cuisines .... the best place for routine south indian foods .... but the rates are slightly on the higher side too

    1. Would agree with you Sridhar. The food here was fantastic but as you said, at a slight premium. :)

  2. how to make a individual photo comment ?

    1. I think here you are not able to do it but I shall be rewriting the entire trip on Travelpod where you would be able to post comments on photos too :)

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