Located in Jalan Telawi, Bangsar is this restaurant called Red Onion Restaurant that serves good Pakistani and Middle Eastern dishes. They are located towards the end of Jalan Telawi facing the houses and right beside the Dominos Pizza outlet. I first heard of this restaurant from a friend of mine who loves Pakistani and Afghan food and he strongly recommended this place to me. Having heard from a fussy diner like him means that this place must be surely good.
Red Onion Restaurant in Jalan Telawi |
Interior of the Restaurant |
Interior of the Restaurant |
As always, we had a great problem finding a parking bay. Jalan Telawi is an area that is buzzing with activity be it day or night. I have had to park at a distance and walk up to this restaurant. This restaurant is fairly new and has been designed beautifully. I specifically liked the extremely warm reception given at this restaurant by everyone there. The design and ambiance is also lovely and the tables are well spaced to give the diners some decent privacy in their conversations. There is also a TV that continuously plays Pakistani channels.
The Menu |
The Menu |
The Menu |
The Menu |
The Menu |
The Menu |
Cutlery |
The above are just photographs from some of the menu pages. They serve a wide variety of dishes which covers Pakistani, Arabic, Middle Eastern, Western and Afghan Cuisines. Not to forget they also offer a small number of Vegetarian dishes. I think their specialty lies specifically around the Pakistani, Arabic and Afghan Cuisines. This is based on my observation from the number of people in the restaurant ordering these dishes. It did not take us long to decide on the dishes as my friend had already recommended some good dishes here to try.
Chicken & Corn Soup @ RM 10.00 |
This was the first starters that came and Angie had ordered this dish. It is Chicken & Corn Soup, Pakistani Style. I tried this soup and my verdict is that it was absolutely great. It was lightly flavoured but with great amounts of black pepper and that makes it quite spicy. There is also some eggs in it. I have never tasted anything like this before in all the Pakistani restaurants that I have visited. It's simply fantastic. I would rate this at 10/10 .
Salad @ RM 10.00 |
Okey, yes I know what you are thinking. There was no photograph of this dish in their menu and I had ordered this Salad as the starters. I don't really know how to call this a salad but it is and it is priced at RM 10.00 . To me, this looks more like fresh ingredients that would be added into another dish while cooking and chili....that's a little too much. Maybe this is the Pakistani style? I do not know and because of that I would not rate this dish at all.
Naan Basket @ RM 10.00 |
This is by far one of the best Naan that I have ever tried. It was on the thick side and yet it was extremely soft and fluffy. The Naan Basket comes with two huge Naan breads. I would rate this at 9.8/10 .
Lamb Dopiaza @ RM 20.00 |
This is a Pakistani dish which is made out of Lamb and Onions in Gravy. It is not spicy but is was well spiced and was really good. The only setback which I felt was that the amount of lamb was a notch too little for the price paid but hey, this is Bangsar and everything is expensive here. Nevertheless, the dish was really good and went extremely well with the bread. I think it would be a good dish to have with rice too. I would rate this at 8.8 / 10 .
Special Chicken @ RM 22.00 |
The above dish is called Special Chicken which is Chicken that is marinated overnight with Yoghurt and is then cooked with Salt, Pepper and spices along with some gravy. You can choose which part of the chicken that you want for this dish. It was a pretty good dish and not spicy although there was pepper added. The Yoghurt had been absorbed well into the chicken and has made it very soft. I would rate this dish at 8/10 . Between this and the previous lamb dish, it would prefer the previous.
Angie All Set For Dinner |
Pista @ RM 11.00 |
This was the desert that we had after dinner. It was typically Almond Pudding with nuts. Even between us, we had different opinions on this dish. Angie did not like this dish but I found it to be just okay. Well, it was not sweet enough and tasted somewhat like oats. I would rate this at 5.5 / 10 .
Masala Tea @ RM 6.00 |
Just as the last touch for dinner, I ordered a cup of Masala Tea. It was not bad and came boiling hot. I know many would love it this way but I for one never like hot drinks to be too hot and so for me I had to wait for a while till it cooled down. But I know that most people would love their hot drinks really hot and this would be just perfect for them. I would rate this tea at 7/10 .
Their Other Outlets |
I was surprised to learn that they have other outlets too in the Klang Valley and therefore the response from the public must be surely good. I find that their prices are slightly high for the portion size but the food is reasonably good. Another thing that I like about this place is that the owners and waiters keep coming to us asking about how the food was and if we had any complaints or recommendation. This is good customer service. Definitely worth a try at least once.
Address: No. 4, Jalan Telawi, Bangsar Baru, 59100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Opening Hours: 1200 - 0000 Daily
Telephone: +603 2201 6674
DATUK YIP KUM FOOK banyak melakukan kejahatan kepada orang di kawasan Kepong, lelaki (Datuk Yip) ini mengganggu ramai isteri orang, membakar Kuil Hindu di Taman Daya, mengeluarkan sami Buddha dari Kuil di Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, dan menipu wang.
ReplyDeleteENCIK SIMON LOW KOK MENG (Taman Daya) adalah pembantu (CID) Datuk Yip atau abang iparnya, berapa ramai yang memboikot mereka, Banyak sangat masalah di kawasan Kepong, kerana Datuk Yip Pengerusi MCA di Taman Daya, Kepong. . , dia dibayar wang kepada polis dan DBKL untuk mengganggu orang ramai, dan sebagainya
YIP KUM POH No: 19B, Jalan Sg 1/9, Taman Industri Bolton, 68100 Batu Caves, Selangor Malaysia (pejabat peguam) YIP KUM POH bukan peguam tetapi boleh membuka pejabat peguam, dia adalah adik lelaki Datuk Yip Kum Fook….”MALAYSIA BOLEH”
Kami tidak senang ketika itu kerana kami berada di bawah kawalan MCA di tempat kami, dan juga Datuk Yip telah digunakan oleh Gangster di kawasan Kepong dan Gombak, kami tidak berharap kepada MCA lagi dan kami adalah kumpulan yang meletak jawatan dari MCA
Kami telah mendengar, bahawa AGONG MALAYSIA (Sultan Johor, Sultan Ibrahim) telah mengambil kembali (Tarik) GELARAN DATUK (Datuk's title), dan kami akan menulis kepada Agong tentang perkara ini
DATUK YIP KUM FOOK (Lawyer) tidak fikir orang bodoh dan anda boleh menghina Buddha dan Hindu tetapi tentang Islam, anda dihina jika anda tidak mempunyai tempat tinggal.
Oleh Ah Keong, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur
DATUK YIP KUM FOOK DAN SIMON LOW KOK MENG akan mempunyai sejarah pemindahan Sami-Sami Buddha dari Kuil Buddha, Taman Desa Jaya, bertahun-tahun dahulu, semuanya tercatat di belakang untuk mengkaji dan menyelidik
ReplyDeletemereka akan menderita sepanjang masa kerana mereka yang memusnahkan sami masyarakat Buddha, manusia (mereka) mendapat dosa besar di masa hadapan atau seluruh kehidupan mereka dan kehidupan seterusnya, sesiapa sahaja tidak dapat menghalang karma ini.
Orang akan ketawakan mereka, dan mereka (Yip & Low) tidak akan pernah ada tempat tinggal pada masa hadapan kerana orang akan bergosip tentang mereka, sekarang ramai orang tahu apa yang mereka lakukan, kali terakhir mereka bangga kerana pengerusi MCA di beberapa tempat
Mereka menggunakan Kuil Buddha untuk perniagaan dan mengumpul wang dan menipu orang, mereka juga menipu orang IC dan semua yang mereka lakukan (menipu wanita, dll)
Kita telah mendengar, Encik Simon Low Kok Meng lebih menderita kerana dia mempunyai pengetahuan yang sangat sedikit (dia tidak bijak) bahawa orang akan mudah terganggu oleh karma mereka), kini kita semua menunggu untuk melihat apa yang berlaku kepada mereka
Daripada: Ah Lee, Ng & kawan-kawan di Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong
DATUK YIP KUM FOOK dan pasukannya memanggil polis untuk memijak tempat Buddha untuk menghalau sami Buddha dari Kuil, ini adalah satu kesilapan yang besar dalam ajaran Buddha kerana polis beragama Islam dan mengamalkan Islam, kenapa Datuk Yip Kum Fook tidak memahami ajaran Buddha yang mudah dan adakah dia bodoh, adakah dia seorang peguam yang berpendidikan tinggi tetapi mengapa dia melakukan perkara yang bodoh
DATUK YIP KUM FOOK, kembalikan gelaran kepada Sultan Selangor secepat mungkin, tolong jangan pegang gelaran lagi kerana bagi semua Sultan Malaysia, ia akan memalukan dan sangat rendah kualitinya
DATUK YIP KUM FOOK, perlu tutup pejabat guamannya kerana jika masih membuka pejabat guaman, undang-undang Malaysia tiada nilai, sekarang ramai yang takut dengan peguam kerana peguam memberi harga yang tinggi, dan ada peguam yang palsu dan menipu, mungkin Datuk Yip tak sangka, dia seorang peguam, hari ini berbeza dengan dulu
DATUK YIP KUM FOOK, anda perlu berundur dari semua persatuan, kerana persatuan Buddha mesti berundur dahulu kerana ajaran Buddha sangat tinggi dan mengajar perbandingan dengan orang lain, hanya ajaran Buddha tidak kembali ke dunia ini, Buddha bukan anda kawan Datuk Yip!
Simon Low Kok Meng ialah abang ipar kepada Datuk Yip Kum Fook, dia seorang pengintip dan membawa berita kepada Datuk Yip, semua ramai perlu berhati-hati dan keluar darinya secepat mungkin
Dari Simon Lim & Ng Hong Siong, Kuala Lumpur
Now we have news from people in Malaysia, Datuk Yip Kum Fook and his team removed several bloggers and websites from the internet because some told and shared that he did wrong and made mistakes with people in the past, he had bad thoughts and he paid money to someone who did that
ReplyDeleteSimon Low Kok Meng is an assistant to Datuk Yip Kum Fook to do such things, anyone should be careful because these people only see money, they don't care about the suffering or difficulties of others, many people lose important documents or data on the internet
Anyone who has any problems, please report them to the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) and the police station, they have caused problems for many people in Kepong.
By Jeffery & Michael Cheng, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong
Shared by Ong Loke Meng, Dato' Dr. Teh Siew Guan, William, DSPN, Dato' Dr. Cheong Yew ... Loh Kok Beng, Dr. Loo Yock Chon, Dr. Lou Kean Keong, Dr. Low Chin Soon