Located in Desa Aman Puri, Kepong, this used to be our favourite food court up to about two years back and then for some reason which I can't recall why, we stopped coming here. Today, we decided to come back to this place for dinner and to check out the food scene here now.
Restaurant 999 in Desa Aman Puri |
Outdoor Seating is Available Too |
Quite A Number of Stalls |
The place had not changed much over the years except for two things. Firstly, the stall operators have changed and now most of the stalls are operated by the landlord itself using foreign workers. Secondly, most of the customers here were now from the African continent. We walked around and seems that all of those favourite stalls that were here last time are no longer here. Besides that, the usual crowd that used to be here was also missing. Just some customers here and there. Since we were already here, we decided to give these new stalls a try.
Steam Rice Stall |
Steamed Rice with Pork Belly and Yam @ RM 6.00 |
Steamed Rice with Pork Belly and Yam @ RM 6.00 |
Bird Eye Chili in Soy Sauce |
This was one of those stalls that were manned by foreign workers. I wanted to have rice as I had been starving the whole day and being lack of choices, I had to settle for this. Trust me, this was the worst Pork Belly and Yam Rice that I have tasted. The Pork Belly was overcooked, Yam hard and it was literally tasteless. I regretted ordering this dish and left most of it as it was hardly edible. I would only rate this at 3/10 .
Rojak & Popiah Stall |
Popiah @ RM 4.50 per set |
Popiah @ RM 4.50 per set |
My dad loves Popiah and whenever we go out for lunch or dinner, if this is available, I always make it a point to order this dish. The Popiah here, as you can see from the shape itself, was horrible. Firstly, it was folded all wrong thus lifting it even with a spoon without spilling the contents would be a great challenge. Secondly, all the items used for the filling were faded vegetables. I wonder if this item even sells for their stock to be faded like this. The taste, was once again bad. It was nowhere near what we would call Popiah. I would never order this at this place and would rate this dish at 1/10 .
Tahu Bakar @ RM 4.50 per set |
Tahu Bakar @ RM 4.50 per set |
The above Tahu Bakar which was also from the same stall was also not good, but not as bad as per the previous dish. Here the Tofu was super hard so much so it hurts the gums when you try to chew it. The fillings however were good. Eventually, we got rid of the Tofu and just had the fillings. I would rate this at 5/10 .
Pan Mee @ RM 5.00 |
Pan Mee @ RM 5.00 |
This was from the Mee stall and this was the first dish that was above average and edible. Though not as good as the common Pan Mee available at other restaurants, having had those sub standard food and then this, made this feel like it was a gift from above. I would rate this at 6.5/10 although I would not come all the way just to have this bowl of noodles.
Mee Soup @ RM 5.00 |
Mee Soup @ RM 5.00 |
The Mee Soup was from the same noodles stall but this in contrary was tasteless. The soup was bland and it was like eating noodles from a bowl filled with hot water. That was literally how it tasted. I would only rate this at 1/10. We had just a few spoonfuls and left the rest as it was terrible.
Prawn Dim Sum @ RM 3.20 |
Prawn Dim Sum @ RM 3.20 |
Dip Sauces |
This is from the Dim Sum stall and pretty much, it is those factory made frozen items which are being reheated. As expected, it was just so so only and I would rate it at 6.5/10 .
Oyster Dim Sum @ RM 3.20 |
Oyster Dim Sum @ RM 3.20 |
Just like the one above, this too was very ordinary. Nothing great to comment about this and I would also rate this at 6.5/10 .
Overall, our dinner was a disaster and with this I am officially striking this restaurant off my list. I hope that their Breakfast to Lunch options have not gone down the drains like this too. Do note that their vendors are different for the breakfast to lunch and dinner to supper spread. Hope the management does something about this soon or else, they might end up loosing most of their customers.
Address: 1, Jalan Desa 1/3, Desa Aman Puri,
52100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Opening Hours: 0700 - 1430 & 1730 - 0030 Daily
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