Taiko Sushi & Salad Bar is a sister restaurant of Ramen Taiko Japanese Cuisine and is located side by side to each other in Mont Kiara Shoplex. A few days ago, when I visited Ramen Taiko Japanese Cuisine, I noticed this cute little restaurant by the side and having been satisfied with the food at Ramen Taiko, I decided that I should be doing lunch here one of these days and that brings me to this place today.
Taiko Sushi & Salad Bar in Mont Kiara Shoplex |
Bar Seating Inside the Restaurant |
Lovely Design |
This restaurant occupies a much smaller space compared to Ramen Taiko. The design is modern and has a blend of vivid colours. From what I can see, they have a specialist Sushi Chef here but the rest of the staff, the waiters and so on are shared between the two restaurants whereby there is a back door connecting both restaurants. Despite it being a very hot afternoon, this place was really cold and after about 10 minutes, I was already freezing and there was nothing that the staff could do as it was the centralised air conditioning.
The Menu |
The Menu |
The Menu |
The Menu |
The Menu |
Their waiter was very efficient and it was the same with their captain. Except for not being able to do anything about the air conditioning which obviously was not in their control, they were consistently attending to me to see if all was in order. Their menu was simple but it had a whole load of Sushis and Sashimis and even some of those specialty items which you do not get in most common Japanese Restaurants. Pricing was definitely on the steep side but I believe, especially after having tried Ramen Taiko, the food here should be very good.
Ice Green Tea @ RM 1.00 |
I ordered the above Ice Green Tea and it was priced at RM 1.00 . This of course comes with unlimited top ups and throughout my stay in this restaurant, the waiter always ensured that he checked on my drink and was topping it up all the way. Besides this, they also do serve a variety of Japanese beer at this restaurant.
Salmon Sushi @ RM 10.00 |
Shiro Maguro Sushi (Butter Fish) @ RM 10.00 |
Inari (Bean Curd Skin) Sushi @ RM 8.00 |
Tamago (Egg) Sushi @ RM 6.00 |
I ordered the above Sushis. I must say that they were all super fresh and excellent. Everything about those Sushi's were just perfect. The Salmon and Shiro Maguro were absolutely juicy and fresh, the Inari was made to just the right level of sweetness and the Tamago Sushi was once again great. Overall, I would rate their Sushi's at 10/10 . Please do note that this is a Pork Free Restaurant but it DOES NOT have Halal status.
Shiro Maguro (Butter Fish) Sashimi @ RM 25.00 |
This again was an exceptionally good dish. The Shiro Maguro was very fresh, sliced to just the right thickness and it was just heavenly with the sauce. I thoroughly enjoyed this Butter Fish Sashimi and sometimes you wonder how good food elevates your mood and this dish was able to do just that. A perfect dish that deserves a rating of 10/10 .
Opening Hours |
From the dishes that I tried today, I am very satisfied with the food here. Their service is excellent, the quality of food served to customers is fantastic and the environment again is nice and soothing with just the right colours. Going forward, this would surely be my favourite Sushi spot and I would surely be coming here more often for my Sushi fix. Once again, do note that this restaurant is Pork Free but it does not have Halal status.
Address: 15-0-2A, Mont Kiara Shoplex, Jalan Kiara, Mont Kiara,
50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Opening Hours: 1130 - 1500 & 1800 - 2300 Daily
Telephone: +603 2096 1822
DATUK YIP KUM FOOK dan pasukannya memanggil polis untuk memijak tempat Buddha untuk menghalau sami Buddha dari Kuil, ini adalah satu kesilapan yang besar dalam ajaran Buddha kerana polis beragama Islam dan mengamalkan Islam, kenapa Datuk Yip Kum Fook tidak memahami ajaran Buddha yang mudah dan adakah dia bodoh, adakah dia seorang peguam yang berpendidikan tinggi tetapi mengapa dia melakukan perkara yang bodoh
DATUK YIP KUM FOOK, kembalikan gelaran kepada Sultan Selangor secepat mungkin, tolong jangan pegang gelaran lagi kerana bagi semua Sultan Malaysia, ia akan memalukan dan sangat rendah kualitinya
DATUK YIP KUM FOOK, perlu tutup pejabat guamannya kerana jika masih membuka pejabat guaman, undang-undang Malaysia tiada nilai, sekarang ramai yang takut dengan peguam kerana peguam memberi harga yang tinggi, dan ada peguam yang palsu dan menipu, mungkin Datuk Yip tak sangka, dia seorang peguam, hari ini berbeza dengan dulu
DATUK YIP KUM FOOK, anda perlu berundur dari semua persatuan, kerana persatuan Buddha mesti berundur dahulu kerana ajaran Buddha sangat tinggi dan mengajar perbandingan dengan orang lain, hanya ajaran Buddha tidak kembali ke dunia ini, Buddha bukan anda kawan Datuk Yip!
Simon Low Kok Meng ialah abang ipar kepada Datuk Yip Kum Fook, dia seorang pengintip dan membawa berita kepada Datuk Yip, semua ramai perlu berhati-hati dan keluar darinya secepat mungkin
Dari Simon Lim & Ng Hong Siong, Kuala Lumpur